Thursday, September 25, 2008

1 down, 7 to go

It's official, the first round of chemo has been administered successfully. I feel pretty good all things considered. A little queasy and sweaty (it's hot here) but really, since I've been on so many pain meds for the fluid retention and surgical pain, it isn't fazing me too badly. I met a couple of really nice women in the treatment room, watched old videos of Ryan on our portable DVD player, and listened to the new Ali Farka Toure cd my excellent husband bought for me. We saw Dr. Yen before the treatment began so he could go over my finger stick/blood counts, examine me, and make sure I was fit to poison. He said I was good to go, so I sat in my lay-z-boy and took those toxic chemicals like a good girl. I know some of you might think that's terrible but dark humor is of great comfort to me-especially right now. Sometimes the only way I can maintain my positivity is by being a little caustic. It keeps me from biting everyone's heads off. And I have been told that you just get more irritable throughout treatment, especially since chemo usually throws you into early menopause, so I apologize in advance for any offenses.

Really though, positivity hasn't really been an issue for me. Sure I have my moments, but if you're reading this blog, you probably know me and realize I'm typically an optimistic and hopeful kind of girl. And I do have faith and believe that I am going to get through all this (after a dark and difficult road ;), but when I'm in pain, it's difficult to maintain any positivity. Having said that, it's been kind of a rough week. My port installation went fine but my shoulder was barking like a pack o' hounds. So badly that it sent me back to the surgeon to make sure nothing on the hardware of the port had migrated. If you want to see a picture of what a port looks like, go to this link:

So the doctor decided to perform an immediate ultrasound and then sent me across the street to the surgical center to get a chest xray. By the time I took the xray & walked back across the street to his office, the digital xrays were up on his computer monitor. So cool! Everything looked fine, I could see the port under the skin and the catheter that was threaded all they way through the vein, and after talking for a while about what I was doing for the pain, he determined I need to take more drugs...Go figure! The problem is that I'm a lightweight when it comes to pharmaceutical drugs so I tend to take less than the suggested dose. However, I'm learning that pain is a funny thing. If you stay on top of it, you can usually manage it better than if you let it go too long and try to "catch up" to it. So anyways, I was skipping my mid-day dose and was just kinda trying to ride on the coattail of my morning dose, and then taking one before bed. Apparently that wasn't such a good idea. I know now. They also say with chemo to take the anti-nausea meds even if I'm not feeling nauseous so any nausea can get nipped in the bud before it bothers me. The thing is, with the pain meds, it's hard for me to feel so out of it and foggy. I'm trying to feel as normal as possible, be Ryan's mom and Howie's wife on top of all this, and I feel like such a zombie when I'm on em. Having said that though, I realize I need to maybe meet them halfway on this one because when I'm in pain, I'm not myself. And if you're not yourself, you're really not there in the first place. So cliche, so sorry. So anyways, I'm going to try and be a good girl and take my medicine. And really, I saw the surgeon on Tuesday and the port feels significantly better yesterday and today. Well at least it did until they stuck a giant needle in to administer the chemo. But I am being prescribed a topical numbing medicine to help for next time, so I'm looking forward to that. As long as everything lines up and I don't have any adverse reactions, my blood counts look good, and I'm not sick, next time will be 3 Thursdays from today.

I'm off to rest and try take a pill. Thanks for reading and commenting and for being out there for me/us. My love follows you all.

Oh, be sure to check our our Puggle Jojo in her diaper & collar (which she only wears when she's inside and has free reign of the house). Poor girl, she's so over it! But then again, so are we!


Unknown said...

I've been thinking about you all day wondering how the first treatment went. You seem to be taking it all in stride...just as everything else that has come your way. I wish you as much normalcy as possible during this time.

I love the photo of the pup...nothing like a little humor to get you through the day.

We are sending our love, but not our flu germs, down the street.

go fish said...

Thanks for the update! Here's to no nausea, no sickness...nothing. Oh and here's to lucid thoughts and actions while ON the pain meds..yes, easier said than done!

Yeah! You've got one round of chemo done! The next round -- 2 more weeks. Be tough and stay strong. We're thinking of you! Keep up the great work! You're doing awesome!

LOL at Jojo in the diaper and collar....she looks like "what the hell just happened?!" :)

Love you all!

C & family

noha said...

Deb, Howie and Ryan,

I'm glad to hear that your first day went (considerably) okay. we all understand what you are going through, and please feel free to say anything you want, or do anything you feel like doing, we love you so much, and we appreciate your friendship and want to just be there for you, like you've always been there for us.

Hang in there Mama, and soon this will be over,

Love the picture of little Jojo.. so funny!
Love you,

Noha, Ryan and Ed

Anonymous said...

You guys have been on my heart all day. Thank you for letting us know how today went.

Please remember you have every right to be Cranky McCrankin Pants during this journey my love.

Ok, there is no way you can let little sweet JoJo out in that get up, the other dogs will just make fun of her and that's just mean. Really you guys, even the cats won't take her seriously if she barks at them. You just can't do that to a dog!

Much love,
Kristin Amirah & Elyas

Unknown said...

Thanks for your post. I love how positive you always are. As each day is still a mystery about how you'll be feeling, please know we're just a phone call away, and ready to help you with anything.

Love you Deb!
Doreen and Alesha

Unknown said...

gain much satisfaction from being bitchy. i personally find it to be a great outlet. ;-)

Anonymous said...

congrats on getting your first treatment- i was thinking of you all day thursday. i am so sorry the port is hurting and wish the pain would go away! i saw ryan at the park on thursday - she is very amazing. sending you love!

ps-i think we should make a bunch of cool shirts in adult and toddler sizes, maybe tie dye? that say "team deb" or "deb rocks".

Unknown said...


I stopped by to drop some veggies off from my Dad's garden, hope your family likes tomatoes. Sorry I missed seeing you. Your front door was locked so I just sat on the porch for awhile. It felt good, very welcoming. I actually came to rescue your dog, or at least change the pup's diaper. Our kitten just broke her leg and now drags a huge pink cast around with her. Maybe I should bring her over to play. Hope you're feeling well, use dark humor when needed.
a big hug to you, dan u.

Heather said...

Thank you for another update. You're an amazing person, Deb. Your courage is an inspiration and we love you for it!

Gyuri & Heather

Anonymous said...

hi Deb,
we all hope that you are doing as well as can be. I have been where you are and that big comfy chair sucks. You will get through this with flying colors. I know you like dark humor as I do, but I think the chemo has gone to your brain. The baby should be in diapers not the dog! THat dog is probably thinking what the hell did I get into. Feel good and know that you are in our thoughts. Barb, Ray, Emma, Jack, Joey, David and Daisy Finfer

Unknown said...

Deb, Howie, Ryan,

Thank you for taking the time to keep us all updated. Your are in our thoughts and prayers. Dark humor is ok-whatever works to get you thru. I am amazed and inspired by your positive attitude. dark humor once in while just means you are human, and female.

love to all

Mary Loretta, Cris, Amanda