Thursday, September 11, 2008

High Risk but Not Complicated

Good day good people...

We are up at Stanford right now waiting to have some fluid drained. Yesterday we met with Oncologist, Dr. Yen, to discuss Deb's pathology and his proposed treatment.

Due to the size and rapid growth of Deb's tumor and the fact that lymph nodes are involved, the treatment, according to Dr. Yen, will be "tough, but tolerable". He wants to attack it aggressively and quickly. It looks like chemotherapy treatments will begin next Thursday. Deb will receive chemo treatments in 2 phases; every 3 weeks for 4 times for the first round and then another type of chemo 4 times every 3 weeks to be followed by hormone treatments. After chemo treatments will be Radiation. Needless to say, the treatments will likely last between 8 months and a year.

So, before treatment begins, we need to:
1. Take care of this ceroma (fluid build up). That'll get done today and is the reason I'm typing this at Stanford. After that, today we'll also be measured by "Vic" for a clinical study on Lymphodema, for which she's been measured once before. This is just arm measurements to detect potential Lymphodema early.
2. Install a port for the chemo treatment. We got a call this morning from a Dr. David Rose in Santa Cruz and we'll go meet him tomorrow afternoon at 4pm.
3. Haircut - so as to avoid large clumps of long hair falling out and for a (hopefully) easier visual transition for Ryan; who will go with Deb to see the hair being cut.
4. Manicure/Pedicure -- a girl's gotta pamper herself, right? No, seriously, it's a good idea to take care of this before treatments begin to avoid potential infection.
5. Dentist - again, due to the bacteria that's released during regular teeth cleanings, it's advised to do this prior to treatment.

Staring towards the future, knowing that there's a long, tough fight ahead of us is daunting, but we're anxious to begin if only to move past this and get back to the life we know and love. Dr. Yen makes no promises or guarantees, but is reassuring in his acknowledgement of Deb's determination and attitude. When he said that people like her are the reason he went into Oncology it made both of us a little more comfortable with a situation that is so far from comforting.

So that's the news that's fit to print right now. The way things are progressing and developing I'm sure there'll be more to tell soon, but for now, I think that's about it.

Grandma and Papa K should be "Working on a T-bone steak a la carte, Flying over to the golden state" (well, except for the T-bone steak part). We're hoping that we'll be able to make it home before they do, but with the length of our wait here (so far), they might beat us back there. Either way, it'll be really nice to spend some time with them and get to watch them discover their grand-daughter's personality more in person.

Nothing like "waiting" in a "waiting room". Good thing for wi-fi, cell phones, trashy magazines and coffee :)

Thanks again to you all for the tremendous amount of support and food and good vibes - it all contributes to this palpable amount of love that we're feeling and soaking up. You are all incredible people and we value you so much more than words in a blog can communicate.



Anonymous said...

I hear that Dr. Rose is wonderful. It sounds like you are in good hands all around.

I am really enjoying the rhindstones I got on my last pedicure.

Love to all.

Anonymous said...

Promised Land, very fitting...SC and Nor Cal is no doubt Deb's Promised Land.

Unknown said...

Hi Deb, Howie and Ryan and Friends and Family,

Great blogs, thank you, it feels really good Deb is on a great path of healing, treatment and embracing all the blessings.

This all sounds most familiar to me. My chemo protocol sounds identical, in fact, I have always had a big CRUSH on Dr. David Rose,he is AMAZING and most kind and cute,he has done 5 surgeries on me.

Look at me now, I am more feisty than ever and feel the strongest I have felt in 16 years and most certainly since my cancer care treatments of chemo and radiation and medical herb in 2003-2004,
thank goodness and utmost gratefulness and unconditional love to all my family, friends and growing faith.

Peace and Love,
Cuz Caryn

Unknown said...

Howie, Thank you for the update. Cris and I are sending you healing thoughts. Great idea to get a manicure, hair cut and everything ahead of time.

Mary Loretta & Cris

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the update! I have been thinking about you guys constantly. I am glad you have your plan of action, and you know the path. I know it is going to be a tough road, but I also know that if ever there were two people that could walk that road together and come out strong on the other side, you are those people. And all of us that love you will be right there along side you every step of the way!!!

Hmmm...mani and pedi, huh? Sounds like a great excuse for a girl's afternoon out!!! :)

go fish said...

Thanks so much for the update...although this one was a hard one to read. Just a lot of changes and decisions that have to be made out of necessity...not because they're what you want. I hate that! On the up side, it's got to be nice to have a plan of attack. Keep your head up and move forward!

Can't wait to see the new "do" -- just remember in the big picture, it's JUST HAIR. It WILL grow back! ;)

The Twin Cities Breast Cancer 3 Day walk is next weekend. If you don't hear from me before then, know I'll be walking for you and wearing your name with pride! Love you lots!

Again, sending love and support from MN to CA!

C & fam

Brett said...

Thank you for the updates. It is good to have the communication lines open, and always feel free to contact us for anything (even just to talk). We think of you guys each and every day.

-Brett and Katie

noha said...

Deb, Howie, and Ryan,

You are in good hands with Dr. Rose.. he is the best!!

Keep the faith, and this also shall pass!


Noha, Ryan and Ed

Lynn and Sy said...

Dear Deb, Howard, and Ryan,

You are an inspiration to everyone you touch! Just keep on keepin' on with one foot in front of the other and before long your medical challenges will be like a bad dream!

ENJOY Grandma and Grandpa's visit and a VERY VERY HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY to Ryan!

All our very best wishes for everything good for you all.....

Lynn and Sy

Heather said...

Thank you for the latest update. We love you and we think about you everyday. I even have dreams about you guys - really good ones! Please let us us know if there's any favor (big or small) we can help you out with because we'd love to.

H & Gy