Saturday, October 25, 2008

Between Chemo #2 & #3

Hi Everyone,

Long time no blog.
Sorry about that, but life happens (and that's a good thing, remember?)...

Since last we "spoke", Deb has successfully been administered her 2nd round of chemoTHERAPY and has been adapting to being a beautiful bald(ing) woman gracefully. Ryan is learning her ABC's and 123's and singing up a storm - Happy Birthday and Ring Around the Rosie are the hits of the day; with of course the Music Together theme "Hello Everybody". If you're reading this you can be pretty sure that Ryan's sung "Hello 'insert your name here'" time and time again. It's pretty darn cute if I do say so myself (and yes, I just did, didn't I?).

Wendy came down for almost a week after "Chemo 2: The Sequel" and we all just love that and appreciate it so much. "Woo", as she's affectionately referred to as, is quite the popular figure around these here parts. Since she's been here, I've been able to spend more time at work, saving up vacation time for when it's needed and for when we're able to use it for a proper celebratory vacation somewhere tropical.

Deb's mom, "Nini", has also been "above and beyond" the call of duty lately; and it's been wonderful for everyone. Ryan absolutely adores her "Nini" and loves spending time with her. Nini is equally enamored of Ryan and both Deb and I are not only grateful to have Ryan establishing a deeper bond with her maternal grandmother, but we get some time sans 2 year old too, which is almost a mini vacation in itself.

The "Mamas" have been busy too. The meal train has been keeping us nourished during this past week and there was a charity yard sale for Deb's benefit. You all know who you are, and you freakin' rock and we love you...For everyone else, take this moment and just relish in the fact that there are still good, caring, compassionate people, full of love, and smiles, and help out there; cause it's pretty amazing.

So, these new anti-nausea meds they gave Deb must be working. While she still feels toxic (for lack of a better word), she hasn't fully lost her appetite like she did with "Chemo 1: The First Time". And that's been great for everyone. With abundant thanks to Nini, we've been able to go out and eat dinner, just the two of us, on a number of occasions now.

Again, apologies for not posting sooner, or posting more, but I'm glad to be reporting that we've been busy doing things and enjoying this wonderful place we live in during arguably the best time of the year; October in Santa Cruz is just awesome - just like each and every one of you.

Sap out,


go fish said...

LOVE the baldness -- it's very chic! And you're beautiful Deb...remember it's JUST HAIR!!! It will grow back, for now though -- just enjoy not having to spend a moment on your hair! Woo hoo! :)

Glad to hear things are going well and are relatively normal right now! No to very little nausea....can't beat that! It sounds like you've got a great support network out in Cali. That's awesome! Remember, even though we're you're not close in miles, you're all close to our hearts.

We love you all. Thanks for the update -- we kept telling ourselves no news had to be good news and it was! YEAH!!! Keep it up!

Chantel, Mike, Thing 1 & Thing 2

Unknown said...

okay, I have to comment....

Not only is Deb taking this all in and getting through it like the champ we all know her to be but, at the same time Howie is incredibly patient and easy going like we know him to be and Ryan is KrunchyKute!!!

The time I have taken to be with you guys is ALL my pleasure. There is no where else I would rather be then there with your family to help ease the pressures.

Did I say that Ryan is cute as a button? sweet as pie? a smile just waiting to happen? Because she is all of these things to me.

Thank you all for the hospitality, love and friendship.

Colleen Bruckmann said...

Deb, Howie, and Ryan,
We are sending our love your way. Deb your strength will help you through this difficult time. All 37 of my third graders are praying hard for you (us too of course). We have something to send your way. Is your address still 317 Pacheco Ave SC 95062? We love you, The Bruckmanns