Friday, December 12, 2008

What to say....

Hi all,

I just felt like I needed to post even though I'm not sure what news there really is to report.

We had a great visit from Miki. She's just awesome. I can't believe my fortune that I should be friends with such a great bunch of people. Miki took great care of us and the house and brought us yummy delights from LA; baked goods from the Jewish bakery, Pastrami and pickles from the deli, dim sum from Chinatown...and then she had the gall to go and cook delicious foods like every single night she was here. Yeah, we were sad to see her leave, but we know that she's busy busy now. For those that don't already know, check out Miki's website at and you won't be sorry. There's no shame in this plug here, because we are proud owners of a blanketdiva blanket and we highly recommend that you check it out. The site is great and the product is unbelievable soft. Seriously.

What else? Deb's been tired but staying busy with Ryan and all of her routines. We're all glad that we're now halfway complete with the chemotherapy. Next week Deb will get her first dose of Taxol & Herceptin. They generally administer Taxol every 3 weeks but have been seeing promising results by giving weekly doses, so it's likely that she'll get a 3 week dose first to get through the holidays and then go weekly after that. But that remains to be seen.

Ryan's continuing to develop her vocabulary and singing voice. She's still experimenting with the potty and we're very much looking forward to the day we can set those Diaper Champs out to pasture....though as we start to frequent some of the Santa Cruz public toilets I see the advantage to wearing diapers ;)

Jojo's got fleas and all I can say is that's a real bummer. Poor girl can't scratch hard enough. And man, it's annoying; and not just Jojo is annoyed ;) So we're giving her healthy doses of Frontline to get rid of them little buggers....

We're so excited to go and celebrate the holidays and December b-days Saturday night up at Chris & Kath's new place in Walnut Crick and then Sunday we're going on the Holiday Train ride here in Santa Cruz at the Boardwalk so that should be a good time.

Other than that, the beat goes on....
We would like to take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you a hap hap happy holiday season. Enjoy the full moon, the solstice, Hannukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, Festivus, whatever....

If we don't blog before 2009, everyone have a blast this newyears. For those of you who will be in Denver, know that we're right there above/behind/around/next to you in spirit. Breaking our hearts to not spend that time and space with you all. For everyone who will be in other places welcoming the New Year, do it right, do it fun and do it safe.

We love you.
Happy Everything from the Finfers


Miki said...

Thanks for the plug! Miss you guys XOXO

Unknown said...

Has Howie been taking his Frontline?? Buugs dood!

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays to the Finfers! Here's to wonderful new year filled with Laughter & Love and Hope & Peace. Oh, and Happy (early) Birthday to Howie!