Monday, February 16, 2009

I need you all to know how thrilled I am that I only have 3 treatments left, I am. However, the excitement has been somewhat overshadowed by the crapiness, or as I like to call it, the "suck" that was the last month and a half. My friend Wendy has this theory that since, by this point, I've become so saturated with toxins, I'm not getting many good days. It's a good theory, and I love her for it but I think she was just being nice. I think I'm at least partly to blame-my attitude has been reprehensible. So, while some of you may be wondering why I need to place blame, it's because I'm feeling bitter and resentful, and while I know blaming something might not be helpful fighting cancer, it somehow does make me feel better. And I think I need to do it so it doesn't all get trapped inside me. It might be best to not publicize all this since it doesn't exactly show me in the best light, but you guys, all of you reading this, envelope my life and make it worth fighting for, so forgive me for making you have to see me like this. I share out of love people! Besides, a good friend once told me that "shit isn't always rainbows and fucking unicorns and sometimes the whole universe sucks" and how right he is.

Ok, having said (all of) that, I think I can also blame my bad attitude on the fact that I've been on steroids for the last 9 weeks and have been feeling like a crazy cracked-out "roid" bitch. I can blame it on the steady, toxic vibrational hum I feel. I can blame some of it on how my tummy has been on the fritz since this all started, or on how my muscles, joints and bones ache horribly, or on how very tired I am. I can attribute some of the blame to the fact that my menstrual cycle is all confused or on the fact that we had to give our dog away. I could blame it on the fact that it's hard to watch my husband have to be and feel so responsible and stretched so thin. I could blame it on the fact that another friend got diagnosed with cancer or on the horrible fact that my dear friend Josh died last month and I can't grieve properly because I've been so self-absorbed. I could blame it all on that, but there's even more to it. The thing is, I'm losing my patience with this process. And while my attitude has been downright shameful, I guess I come by it honestly as it stems from my disappointment over wishing I was better at this fight and the knowing that while I only have 3 chemo treatments to go, I am also facing radiation, 10 more months of hormone therapy, and a lifetime of cancer ghosts. And while I don't look or feel like myself, I do know that some of it is only temporary. Most of this is temporary. I think I need to say that out loud. I think I needed a reminder.

Thank you for letting me vent. I continue to be amazed that you’re all out there. And I continue to be amazed at the support we have received. I just read an email from a girl I went to nursery school with. I know cancer is an awkward thing to get back in touch over, but it means a great deal to me to have people reach out to me throughout this spite of years or distance or whatever circumstances that led to falling out of touch. I guess you can chalk part of that up to the information age and the abilities we have to actually get in touch, but if having cancer has taught me anything, it's that people really and truly do care about each other, and that gives me hope. And hope, much like fear, anger or blame, can be a powerful thing for a girl in my situation. Please know that having people out there pulling for me genuinely helps me get through the day. And please know that I do know that I have a lot to live for. I will beat this, it's just sucking getting to the other side.


Howie said...

I am so proud of, and in love with you Deb.

Together we will persist and beat this thing.

I anxiously look forward to a day when we can look back on these blog postings through years of happier memories.

Put on your sunglasses - the light at the end of this tunnel is getting brighter with every passing moment of suck...

Unknown said...

I keep trying to figure out what I can say to make you (and Howie) feel better. But like you said, cancer just sucks and despite the fact that you have so many people who would give anything to take all this crap away for you, I don't think there are any words to take away your pain or anger or any of the other crappiness.

I know you are wishing you could do this "better" but to be honest, I know I couldn't be as strong or as positive as you if I were in your situation. I think I would have been in the fetal position this whole time. I'm amazed you've been able to do it this long. And you know I'm not just saying that to be nice, because I'm really a bitch at heart and I don't say things just to be nice.

I'm so sorry your family has to be put through all of this and I'm just really hoping that at least some of this will be eased when the chemo is over.

We love you guys!

T, E, & D

Unknown said...

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”
-Mahatma Gandhi-

You have the will, Deb.

Anonymous said...

Deb, I am not sure i can think of something inspirational to tell you right now. But you do inspire me I admire your 'tood' over the good and the bad. If you didn't have sh**y days, then I'd think you weren't for real. And Deb you are the real deal. Sending you positive thoughts. --Chela

go fish said...

Teresa said it best -- there are no words to take away your pain, anger or all the other crappiness. If there were, you know we'd all say them a million times over for you.

Cancer sucks and you're doing an amazingly great job at fighting it. So proud of you, Howie & Ryan.

Stay strong and we all hope things will be better after chemo. We love you and know we continue to think about you.

Now go grab those sunglasses......

Chantel, Mike & kiddos

johnny said...

I miss you guys. There is a short wonderful list of folks I had the joy of meeting back in Cali who I think of as family. You guys are up at the top of that list.
As I jog and walk around my new town, thoughts of my old town inevitably pop up. There is a picture of your backyard on the Santa Cruz slideshow that loops through my mind. Your backyard in the early evening with Ryan smiling, and something delicious on the grill. Those thoughts lead to thoughts of the uphill struggle Deb and the Finfer's are fighting, and I ask the earth I run on, the air I breath,and the river I cross, to send strength and hope your way. I look back across the river when I get to the other side and see the water rushing in torrents between carved paths in the mostly frozen surface, I see that no matter how cold, how thick the ice, nothing stops that river. I feel it's power, and I sense that it hears my wishes, and that it gladly lends its power to those who love life, give of themselves, and take care of their world. Thats you.
So the Mississippi has heard your story, and it's on your side.
Love you all-

Anonymous said...

Awww..Deb, Howie, and Ryan!

You are amazing people and we feel so lucky to have you in our lives.

Deb, there is no other way to describe cancer other than shitty! It just is!! You can be the most positive person in the world and be able to keep everything in perspective, BUT, it's still shitty!!!

I am only beginning to know what you've known for some time now. As I go through this, my heart breaks that you've been doing it this whole time! Cancer sucks!

Sending you all the good vibes I can muster up! I love you!!

Unknown said...

I along with the others send you my love to you and your family. I have been feeling pretty crappy of late. You have put me in perspective. Reading your blog reminds me when I met my husband. I was way polly anna with him, never letting him see anything got to me. When I finally let out my anger he commented that he was glad to know that I was human.

I realized that putting on a polly anna face all the time was doing us a diservice. Thank you for sharing the sucky part of caner with us. It makes us love you and your family even more.

As Teresa said, I too would be in the fetal position. Keep the posts coming, get the sucky part out, so you can let the light in.

Mary Loretta, Amanda, Cris

Unknown said...


Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and hope that you are doing as well as can be hoped for. We are all out here puling for you, being amazed by you , and hoping we can help in any small (or large) way. You've come a long way, and though you still have a long way to go, you've still come a long way. I have a vision of you, with your infectous smile, dancing in the sun at some great music fest. That day will come!

mom2firedog said...

Heya Mama,

Glad to hear you vent, vent away mama! We are all here to hear you! I echo everything that everyone has said, cancer just sucks! I hope to see you today and be able to give you a hug!

Miki said...

Deb, you know I love you and think about you everyday (espcially on clear, crisp, post-rainy days). Like everyone else, I wish I could take away your pain. But for now, I want to thank Howie for being such a wonderful husband. Howie, you rock!!! Hang in there. This too will pass.

Big hugs to you both,

Unknown said...


I am so glad you vented. I am here for you - so you just vent away!!

I know that nothing I say can ease your pain, but I do want you to know that chemo is so hard (like you didn't know that already). Your friend is right - those toxins take over your whole body. You just don't feel like you anymore - but you will again!!

You just keep fighting, try and stay positive, and sooner than later - this hardship will be behind you.

On a positive note, I know you are probably dreading the thought of radiation next. You are thinking - why can't this just be done (haven't you been through enough already). Well, try and not think a/b it. Get through this chemo thing 1st. If there is any positive light I can shed on your thoughts a/b radiation, it is....

Radiation will only affect the area being treated! You will no longer have a toxin affecting your entire body like chemo does. It will be focused on your chest and lymph nodes only. The treatments are very easy, and you will be relieved at how easy the process is (other than having to go there every day). The treatments are only 10-15 minutes (unlike your chemo treatments), and you will not see any side-effects until at least your 3rd week in. At this point, you are over 1/2 way done!!! Your side effect is red and sore skin - if you made it through surgery, chemo, and feeling bad everyday - this will be a piece of cake!! Normal treatments are anywhere from 25-37 (depending on your physician). So, another great thing (it does not drag out over a course of many months like chemo).

So, lets reflects on this radiation thing -
1 - Doesn't affect your whole body.
2 - Doesn't consume your whole day.
3 - Doesn't consume 1/2 a year.
4 - Treatment is easy.
5 - It is the last MAJOR hurdle in your treatment.
6 - The most important thing to remember a/b radiation - WE KNOW IT SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCES THE CHANCES OF A REOCCURENCE!!! (and I know this is the most rewarding thing a/b making the decision of getting this optional treatment).

So, you get through this chemo thing and keep that chin up - there is light at the end of the tunnel (put those sunglasses on sister)!!!!

I love you and I am here for you, Howie and Ryan.

All My Love,
Jennie Banks

Unknown said...

Deb there is no reason to feel bad about not having a good attitude. You have been so awesome and inspiring throughout this whole process and it is only human to be at your wits end. Especially this far into things. And admitting it even shows more integrity because it shows that this is not you or who you want to be, it is you with a bunch of pain and drugs dumped on you. Steroids can seriously affect a persons mental state. I work in a doctor's office and I just had a guy come into the office that had been prescribed steroids for a lung infection. He claimed that he wanted to divorce his wife and kill his boss and that he had never had feelings like that before. You are incredibly strong to hold up as well and you have so give yourself a break!!!! We are all rooting for you - you are an AMAZING person! Hang in there for only 3-2-1 more treatments and look forward to the day when you can put this all behind you! Love you lady and sending you hope and good wishes.

Liz and Brett

Anonymous said...

Hey Deb,
Never feel bad about venting, or placing blame. I recently was looking through some old pictures of all of us on the Tug Boat for Jerry Joseph in NYC. I saw you and your hubby's wonderful smiles, and made me smile and look forward to sharing in smiles and good feelings with you at our favorite bands. I have known you as an intelligent, strong willed, and kick ass woman! So know Colleen and I are thinking of you and your family, and are sending good vibes towards Santa Cruz every chance we get. Remember, "Where there is love, there is hope!"
Much love and respect, Scott n Colleen Bruckmann

Unknown said...

I am sorry for my delayed posting on this, but I had to respond. Like others have said, I wish I had better words for you, but I have never been that good with words.

What you have had to go through just sucks. Period. You have every right to be angry and frustrated. And despite what you may feel, you have dealt with this with an amazing amount of grace and optimism. After all, you are just human. How could anyone be expected to go through everything you have in the past 8+ months and not have some dark periods?

You know, we all love you tons, but it doesn't hurt to say it again!

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb! Wow- that last post was powerful! You are an amazing writer. I am so sorry to hear how very very very hard this all is. I wish i could make it all better! Sending you love-