Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Our contact info...

Hey All,

Some of you have asked for our contact info and the location of where I'm having my surgery. I will be at Stanford Hospital, the web address is:


Our home address is:

The Finfer Family
317 Pacheco Ave
Santa Cruz, CA 95062

Our home ph # is 831-462-6674

Howie's email: fishbear1@yahoo.com
Howie's cell#: 831-325-5172

Deb's email: fishbear2@yahoo.com
Deb's cell#: 831-428-4302

Please do not feel the need to send flowers, I suspect I'll be pretty out of it, so while I appreciate the sentiment, you REALLY don't have to.

Much love to you all,


meg,leif,daphne & willow said...

we're sending you love and positive thoughts-meg

noha said...

Deb you are in our prayers...

Please remember that positive thinking is all in the mind remember to breath......take a deep breath and remeber you can beat it...yes you can, mind overbody
you guys are just a wounderful, unique human beings who love life and will make it through this blimp
be empowered by all the people who have gone through this and won.....
be strong moma......
Howie you r da man be strong papa

Ed, Noha & Ryan

Deziel said...

I am thinking of you guys today and sending so much love and many positive vibes...I know it will be tough for awhile, lean on all of the people who love you and take it easy. You will make it past this. Lots of love, Sarah

Unknown said...

I know you are already at the hospital, so wont' see this until after the surgery, but I wanted to let you all know that I will be thinking of all three of you today and praying that all goes well.

Much love to all three of you!

Jacqui and family