Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Where we are today

Where we are today is 1 day before Thanksgiving, 2008.
Where we are today is 2 days before "Chemo IV: Deb's Revenge".

That's right, Chemo 3: The Threequel is nearly complete. It pretty much sucked. About as bad as most other threequels (Return of the Jedi, Back to the Future and Indiana Jones excluded). Think Revenge of the Nerds 3, Rocky 3 and Police Academy 3. Yeah, it sucked alright....

But, and that's a big BUT, we're getting through, beyond and past it.

The Breast Cancer ride continues to provide uncertainty, but that's what it's cracked up to be. I'm continually reminded of a Breast Cancer Husband in one of my books who pulls out his blackberry at the Oncologist's office to schedule all of his wife's chemo appointments on the 1st day. He's laughed at by the folks at the office who know as well as anyone the unpredictability of this disease.

With that being said, we've been rolling with it.

Deb's been having some pain in her side. It's either a kidney stone or gas. Thanks. It's either something really painful and identifiable, or it's just painful. Pretty much a lose-lose. She's managing like a champ though; persisting with all of the "regular" activities. I'll take this moment to once again express my love for this woman who is keeping on keeping on. Even though there's really no alternative, she's such a trooper - making dinners and keeping Ryan actively particpating in all of her activities.

Aside from the side pain, which she seems to be managing at least somewhat, Deb seems to be adjusting to this crazy time pretty well. The new "normal" ain't all that bad - we're totally getting through it. It's not optimal, but it's our life, and it's what we've got right now, so I'll take it :)

Ryan is continuing to develop - singing a lot, building block towers, creating sticker collages, dancing, jumping, slugging t-balls, etc...Both Deb and I are glad that she's letting Elmo and Blue rest a bit as she's finally into her first movie: Madagascar. This girl likes to "Move it move it". Thanks Woo for leaving the DVD; it provides great relief from our furry red monster friend....

I went with Ryan (and her best buddy Maia and Maia's mom Sam) to see the Banana Slug String Band this past Saturday morning. The 11am show was Ryan's first trip to a Jazz Club and we were happy to see a group of our friends there at the show. Watching Ryan and Maia leaning on the stage checking out the instruments and amplifiers was quite a sight. More endearing though, was Ryan with a big bag of snacks passing out peas to her friends in the front row. A sign of times to come. Watching Ryan dance through the aisles smiling makes me look even more forward to seeing shows as a family. It was great to see familiar faces in a live music setting.

So, here we are; looking forward to a Thanksgiving in Santa Cruz with Mike & Andy and the Plumlee's and their crew. We're happy for a long weekend coming up and looking forward to a visit from Miki this weekend, she's coming up to help out after Deb's treatment.

Regarding the treatments, this upcoming therapy will be the last of the 1st round of treatment - final administation of Adriamycin and Cytoxin. Still to come: 4 rounds of Taxol and Hercpetin. Almost half-way through the chemo. The light at the end of this tunnel continues to brighten. As 2008 draws nearer to a close, I look forward with great anticipation towards 2009, hopeful that it will prove to be a happier and healthier year for everyone reading these words.

So much to be thankful for every year, but especially this year. Look acrosss your Thanksgiving table this year and be extra grateful; know that we'll be out in the hills, toasting each and every one of you thinking good thankful thoughts in your directions....


Joy said...

Hey you guys,
We will be in Sonoma looking out at the hills and thinking of you too. I am so grateful you are our friends. Happy Thanksgiving. We love you. Joy.

Anonymous said...


We celebrate your half way point in spirit. You are such a beautiful gal...we love your family deeply.

I am rambling, don't mind me!

go fish said...

So grateful to read your post and hear positive thoughts emanating out of you. We love you and appreciate the reminder on your beautiful life.

Anonymous said...

Deb and Howard,

THANKS SO MUCH for keeping us "in the loop." You are truly the MOST INSPIRATIONAL family in the universe! We LOVE LOVE LOVE knowing you are "keepin' on, keepin' on...and especially enjoy learning of Ryan's activities.
ENJOY a WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING weekend and know you are all in our hopes for a HAPPY and HEALTHY NEW YEAR!
Lynn and Sy

Unknown said...

Hey to yall out there on the west coast!!
S0 glad to hear you are doing well and thanks for keeping me posted w/ all the updates. I feel like I am there and am able to keep up w/ Ryan. Man, she is growing fast!
Love you lots!!!

noha said...

We love you guys, and think about you all the time, and we wish you all the best this holiday season.

Noha and Ed

Anonymous said...

Hello Beautiful Finfer Family!

I'm sorry it took me so long to get here. I just wanted you to know that ya'll are never far from my thoughts and that I am sending you all my best hopes, wishes, prayers and vibes on a daily basis. Can you feel the love? Your family is truly inspiring.

Take care,


Jack Halm said...

Hang in there guys! It's a long hard road but your spirits alone will get you through it. Nothing but good vibes are headed in your direction...

Thinking of you,