Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bad to the bone?

That's how Deb's doing after her first administration of Taxol.
Not as nauseous as the Adriamycin/Cytoxan combo, but an entirely different set of side effects.

The differences in the treatments began before it was even given....Wednesday night (the night before chemo) Deb took some steroids as a pre-treatment. The treatment itself lasted much longer than the previous regiment. Deb was there getting her infusion from a bit after 9am until almost 4:30. Exhausting sitting there all day...and she almost ran through all of her batteries too - dvd player, ipod, phone, nintendo; you know the chemo tools of the 2000's...

With the first round of treatments she didn't really seem to feel any effects for a few days. This time, however, that evening she summed it up in a single word: weird.
And that's exactly how her feeling appeared to me. I was just watching her and I could tell that she wasn't feeling right...but it kind of makes sense...get infused with chems all day and feel weird all night, right?

By Friday and Saturday the weirdness progressed into pain, both in the bones and joints. And not just like her hands hurt, or her back hurts, or her legs hurt, but all of it is hurting. Deb made it with us to Ryan's gymnastics on Friday and we all went to the beach on Saturday which was just awesome. It was such a lovely day and Ryan and Jojo (and Deb & I) all had a blast just walking down the beach counting boats. Ryan was all about the water. "Want go in water NOW!", we rolled up our pant legs and felt that cold cold Monterey Bay water. Funny how kids are not affected by things like really cold water. I had to physically remove the girl so that I could regain feeling in my feet. It was a really nice day for all of us, and Jojo got to stretch her legs for a much needed while.

Sunday, the all-over bone pain got worse and was accompanied by a wake-up nose bleed. Add to that a gray wintry rainy soggy Santa Cruz day - which always seems to increase the feelings of pain...Fan-freakin'-tastic :)

I'll quote Deb, "I think I prefer nausea to this."
So, that's where we are on this Monday morning.
I know, lame blog, but...


Anonymous said...

your blog is never lame! thanks for the update and i am hoping that the pain abates soon. love, meg

noha said...

Deb, you are a very brave women, and we wish you a very speedy recovery.. just think that "this also shall pass."

Happy holidays!

Noha, ryan and Ed

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry Deb. I was really hoping this chemo would give you a bit of relief from the side-effects. I hope they have medication for you to try to offset the side affects.

I'm really sorry.


Miki said...

If anyone can get through this, it's you Deb. I love you. Love to Howie and Ryan too.

It's gray and wintery in L.A. today :(


go fish said...

I guess one "bright" side to it all is that it's ONE MORE CHEMO TREATMENT DOWN!!! Woo hoo for that! Hang in there kiddo...know we continue to think of you daily. What does not kill you will only make you're gonna be one tough chick after all this is over! Howie -- you better watch out! :)

We're headed to Chicago on Friday. Hope you have a happy new year...lots to look forward to in 2009. Beatin' this cancer tops the list!

Love you all!

Chantel, Mike & kidlets

miranda said...

hang in there girlfriend!!!! it takes strong shit to kill the poison, but you are armed with amazing energy and perseverance. i think i can speak for all of us when i say we are SO PROUD of you!

lots of love,

Samantha L said...

Howie -- I would really appreciate a more positive tone in your Blog -- what's up with that?
Our whole family loves you guys soooo much -- I know things suck, but this too shall pass...
hugs and kisses from all of us...
Keep on Truckin' --
xoxo Sam Kenny Maia and Sasha

Unknown said...

I am thinking about you. Thanks for the updates, and I hope your Christmas morning is special and you are feeling better(Deb). I love yall. Jennie

Unknown said...

Hi Deb, Howie,Ryan

Wishing you a special day. I hope the sun came out for you today for a little while.
Howie, it is really hard watching the person you love be in pain. I'm sure Deb appreciates the fact that you are there to support you. You are a great father and role model for Ryan.
Deb, I am sendin you healing thoughts and hugs.

Love Mary Loretta & Amanda, Cris

Unknown said...

Well, today is a beautiful day and I hope that it is a better day in your house as well. I can only imagine what a strange experience this whole thing must be. I hope your body and spirit are enjoying the sunshine today...much needed I'm sure.

Happy 6th Day of Hannuka.

Zak & Family