Wednesday, August 6, 2008

First Post

Hi Everyone.

I created this blog so that we can communicate our happenings with you, the people that we know, love and want to keep in the loop.

As you may or may not yet know, Deb was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on August 1. Yes, Jerry Day will be forever scarred in our memories.

Here's how I remember it thus far. Some weeks back, Deb told me she felt a lump in her right breast. She let me feel it. It felt lumpy. Her primary care physician advised her to go through a cycle and see if it diminished; possibly a clogged milk duct. After her period, when the lump was still there, she need to get an ultrasound. Can't mammogram a nursing mom. Ultrasound showed that it needed to be checked more.
Thursday, July 30 we went to Dominican Breast Center in Santa Cruz where they attempted to aspirate the lump with a needle. The goal here is to pull liquid from the lump. If they were able to that would have proven that the lump was not solid, but no liquid came out. Next step is to biopsy the tissue. They use a larger needle and take what's called a "core biopsy". The results were to take 48 business hours. i.e. Monday we'd know more.

Friday, Aug 1 we went to meet old Slavin family friends, the DeCuir's (sorry, might be spelled wrong, but certainly not out of disrespect) at the SanFrancisco Zoo. We were having an enjoyable enough visit when my phone vibrated from an unfamiliar number. Normally I don't answer those calls, but saw it was from the 831 and decided to pick it up. It was Dr. Herman, our primary care physician asking if we were in town - she wanted to come to the house. Instantly I'm asking what's up and she only said that she didn't want to talk on the phone and to call her when we get home and not to mention anything to Deb. Ugh.
So we drove from the Zoo down highway 1...Deb drove, I sat in the back seat not saying much staring at the ocean. When we got home, I called Dr. Herman who was knocking on our door less than 15 minutes later. She apologized for the bad news she was delivering, but once she found out, couldn't let us wait until Monday to hear this news from the radiologist, who we have no relationship with. Above and beyond the call of duty - making a house call after 6pm on a Friday.

We took the rest of the weekend in stride as much as possible and went to meet Oncologist, Dr. Yen on Monday afternoon. He is young and was very communicative and clear (and wore one of the nicest business shirt I've ever come close to touching ;-) Anyway, he went over our treatment options with us and answered our questions. He's referred us to a surgeon at Stanford, with whom we'll meet tomorrow morning at 9:15 to solidify our situation and scheduling for treating this.

For the most part, we're in good spirits. We'll put our heads down and beat this thing. Every single day. Almost immediately Deb has had to begun weaning Ryan....first by eliminating the night feedings and at this point, Ryan is only nursing right before bed and right when she wakes up. It's unfortunate that we're forced to wean, and at a rather stressful time, but we're all glad that Deb's been able to supply nutritious mama-milk for almost 2 years. I can't begin to communicate how proud I am of her (and Ryan) for learning to nurse and sticking with it EVERY DAY for so long. Ryan is lucky to have such a dedicated maternal figure in her world.

Besides our obvious concern for Deb's health is our concern for how this will effect Ryan - not just in her future as a girl and woman, but how this time of adversity will undoubtedly create a more unsettled world for her in the coming days. We'll do what we have to do and are very fortunate to have an excellent support group of family and friends and an amazing roll model in Deb's Mom so close to us. Many of you may know that Diana herself is a Breast Cancer survivor of over 20 years. Inspiration indeed.

The purpose of this blog is so that Deb doesn't need to tell the same thing to a bunch of people everyday - we love that you're all concerned and interested, but this will be a better method for us to make sure everyone is in the loop throughout this time. My hope is that eventually this space becomes one where we can share the cool awesome fun things that we do as a family. I look forward to many posts about how many ducks we fed at the pond and what we ate for dinner last night, etc...but until then, it's our space to share our happenings, thoughts, plans, feelings and observations with you all.


Kristin said...

We have all verbally said to Deb that we are here for you and the family. I am all for "Team Deb" or "The D.A.-Deb's Army", yes this is a Harry Potter pun.
I am all for Teresa to come up w/some type of graphic for our team. I for one am happy to get that tattoo put on me too.
We are all in this together because "Every Woman Counts"


sallyde said...

Thanks Howie. What a great way for us all to feel close to you. My love follows you all.


Dan said...

We think the world of you guys and will be there in a heart beat if you need ANYTHING! Lots of Love! Sarah, Dan, and Marek

Unknown said...

Deb, Howie and Ryan,
I hope you know that all three of you are in my thoughts and prayers. I KNOW you guys will make it through this! Ryan is so lucky to have two such remarkable individuals as parents. Your strength and love will carry her through this.

Whatever you need to help do some major cancer butt-kicking, please let us know! We are here for you guys.

Lots of love and healing vibes sending your way!

Jacqui, Chris and Liam

Zac said...

You guys are the best and I know you will beat this. With all of the love and life in your house, it's impossible to think otherwise.. All positive thoughts and vibes I'm sending. Love you guys.

Unknown said...

We love you guys and we will be there with you every step of the way. Thank you for sharing with us and letting us support you in this journey.

Unknown said...

Deb, Howie and Ryan,
Our family will be thinking and praying for you! I know you will kick this in the butt. We are here for you if you need us!
Lots of love and healing vibes!!
Judi, Eli, Mikayla and Cheyenne

Heather said...

Thanks so much for the update. We've been thinking of you a lot and we're sending you all of our love. We're here for you guys in every way.

Heather & Gyuri

go fish said...

Uggh is right. You will hear from so many survivors in the coming months -- absorb their healing vibrations and BELIEVE!!! You know we will be thinking about you constantly, even more so with Chantel doing the 3-day breast CA walk in September! May all the strength you need be found in your friends and family!! We will do anything we can to help!!


go fish said...

Hey guys -- definitely thinking of you. As Mike posted, I am doing the Breast Cancer 3 Day in the Twin Cities come September (walking 60 miles over 3 days). I've raised more than $2500 for breast cancer research.

1 in 8 women will be diagnosed w/ Breast Cancer this year alone. Unfortunately, Deb is the 1 in 8. I will add Deb to my list of people I'm walking for -- Deb, Howie & Ryan. NO child should be affected by breast cancer. You WILL fight this and you WILL win.

We love you and are thinking of you. Sending hugs from Minnesota!

Unknown said...

anxiously awaiting the report from the surgeon... much love

Unknown said...

Deb, you are one of the strongest people I know and Im sure you will beat this thing!! you have a lot of good support there and they will no doubt make sure you get through it. dont hesitate to let me know if I can do anything to help.

Jordy (and Timby)

ps: I want to know more about this 'magical' shirt

Bryan said...

Hey Guys,

My mom told me about the diagnosis a few days ago and I have been meditating and sending positive energy to you. I know that you guys will get through this. Always remember that a piece of Tennessee loves you!!
Bryan, Jennifer,
Spencer & Molly
(The Tennessee DeCuirs)

ado said...

Hi Deb and Howie,

I don't know quite what to say at this point other than you and your family are so special to me, you are my family, and I know you will get through this because you are strong and vibrant and powerful and you have the right attitude about life. The kind of attitude the universe expects you to have, and for that, whatever happens will only be to make you grow stronger and brighter and gain more understanding of your purpose. I know I'm not in Santa Cruz but three hours away is nothing and John and/or I will be there in a heartbeat if you need us for any reason at any time, even if it's only to share some laughs and good times with your De Cuir/Beatty family or to make Ryan smile.

Love and positive thoughts,
Ado & John

Unknown said...

Deb, Howie, and Ryan -
I hope you guys know that we are there for you guys. We know everything will be just fine. Deb you are a strong women =) Our thoughts are with your family. Thank you for the blog. Please feel free to call anytime.

The Grabers

noha said...

Deb Howie, and Ryan,

You are in our hearts and prayers during these times!! we love you Deb and with your beautiful daugher and wonderful husband by your side and all of us around you, I know you will win this battle, You are a very strong person, and just seeing at the park today with your beautiful big smile on your face, made me feel that everything is going to be okay!

Love you,


Unknown said...

Deb, Howi, Ryan,

Thank you for taking the time to create this awesome blog. Thank you for sharing with us in your journey. Our hearts and prayers are with you. Deb you have an incredible healing magic about you that everyone feels. Please let me know how I can be of assistance in anyway.

Mary Loretta, Amanda, Cris

Charissa said...

You know we love you! Thanks for getting this goin' Howie, as if you didn't have enough to do! You are so loved by many Mama and with all the good vibes you are receiving we know you will rise above all this! Big Hugs!

Charissa, Cole and Ava

Unknown said...

Deb, Howie and Ryan,
For once I am at a loss for words, so I am borrowing some from someone else. Please know that we are thinking about you and praying for you every day. We love you very much!!!!
Jenn, Mark and Griffin

I am not an optimist, because I am not sure that everything ends well. Nor am I a pessimist, because I am not sure that everything ends badly. I just carry hope in my heart. Hope is a feeling that life and work have a meaning. You either have it or you don’t, regardless of the state of the world that surrounds you.
Life without hope is an empty, boring, and useless life. I cannot imagine that I could strive for something if I did not carry hope in me. I am thankful to God for this gift. It is as big a gift as life itself.

Unknown said...

We love you , we love you, we love you..stay strong.......know we're here for you along this journey.

The Geremia Clan

Unknown said...

Deb, Howie and Ryan,
We are sending out all our love and prayers right down the street (and around two corners) to you...To echo many other sentiments expressed by those who love you, If there is anything you need---no matter how big or "small"---please just ask.
Peace to you,
Nora, John & Sophia

Unknown said...

you are the definition of happiness and i know that all of the love in your world will help you get through this. we're sending you more every day.
with much love and hope,
todd, megan, keily and ikey

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb and Howie (and beautiful Ryan! Those eyes!)

Danielle K emailed to let me know the news about Deb. I am so sorry to hear what you are through. The one thing that's always been obvious... since you guys met.... is how dedicated to each other you are and how much love as a family you have. I know this is going to see you through this tough time. And, a your good sense of humor and positive outlook, certainly will help. It sounds like you have incredible support where you are living.

Tomorrow I am doing the 3 day walk in Philly in honor of my sister Susan, a stage 3 survivor. But also to raise money for research so that my daughter Edie (now 4) and her generation will not have to live in fear of this disease. I will be wearing pink ribbons on my back with the names of friends and love ones and have included Deb's name among them.

You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Keep the faith.
