Thursday, August 28, 2008

Going Home

Good day today.
Ryan brought Mike & Wendy to visit and it was great for us all to spend some time together.
Ry totally sat between Deb's legs and just hung out for a while. Then I took her (Ry) down to see this cool model train set they have at the children's hospital. Cool train, sad place. Kids and hospitals just don't "go" together...

When we came back upstairs here Deb was in the hall walking with Mike, Wendy and Rebekah (cool nurse from previous post). Saw Dr. Chow who gave us some prescriptions :-) and then as we were say bye-byes to our visitors, Dr. Wapnir (surgeon) came in. She was very pleased with Deb's progress and said she can go home whenever she's ready.

Bye-bye morphine, hello oral vicodin. If that transition goes smoothly (an hour+ in and all is well -- no pain) then we're free to go. Woo hoo. Not that a hospital bed or 2 chairs pushed together is that bad, but to be home with Ryan in our own bed surrounded by our own stuff....that's what it's all about now. So, we'll see how the next few hours go and then head back to Santa Cruz. And we're both glad about that.

Good day from Stanford,


Unknown said...

Ooh ooh ooh- so glad to hear the visit went well and that Deb is doing well enough to come home soon! Thank you so much for keeping us all posted and we look so forward to your return to the right side of the hill!

Loving you guys tons,
Chyna and Reese

Unknown said...

So glad recovery is going smoothly. We're hoping to see you on our street very soon. I'm sure being in your own space will be very comforting.

Charissa said...

AWESOME! Thanks Howie for keeping us posted and Deb, you are just amazing! Walking down the hall already? Wow mama! You do us proud babe! And how great was that, Ryan brought Wendy and Mike to see Deb. Gotta love that. I am sure she would have driven if they let her, right?

So enjoy being home and can't wait to give you a hug! Well, a soft one anyway ;)


Lori said...

We are thinking of Deb and wishing her well. Glad to hear the surgery went well. Take care
Lori ad Jason
(Mike and Andy's friends)

Lori said...

We are thinking of Deb and wishing her well. Glad to hear the surgery went well. Take care
Lori ad Jason
(Mike and Andy's friends)

Unknown said...

Yeah! So glad to hear that Deb is doing so well (like we expected anything less??? Really Deb, you are a rock star!) and that you are coming home!

Sending you lots of virtual hugs!
