Friday, August 29, 2008

Good To Be Home...

Hey All,

Just wanted to let you all know that I'm home and feeling pretty ok. They let me go last night and I can't begin to tell you how good it felt to walk in my front door. Well, you can probably imagine. Anyhow, I'm pretty sore and out of it due to all the pain meds, but I wanted to let you all know that your support has been so incredibly empowering and I am sending giant virtual Deb hugs to you all. Thank you for everything. I'll post more when I have my wits back about me.



Joy Daskal said...

Haven't know what to say. So glad you are home. Reading your blogs and knowing you and Howard and how you care for and love one another and Ryan assures me that all will be OK. You are both so special. Good vibrations are constantly coming to you from Chicago.
Love, Joy and Bob

Kristin said...
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mom2firedog said...

So glad to hear from you mama! And so happy for you that you are home so you can get the healing process started! And thanks for the virtual hug!


meg,leif,daphne & willow said...

You are amazing-- I can't begin to tell you how very strong you are. Thanks for the updates and we're sending hugs back to you. Yeah for being home!!!! meg

Unknown said...

Yeah!! One step at a time and one step closer to moving forward. Sending you healing vibes and lots of love.

noha said...

Welcome home Mama, glad to hear that you are on your way to recovery!!! and can't wait to see you and get some more Deb hugs..


Noha, Ryan and Ed

Joy said...

Hi sweet family,
I am so glad you are home, Deb, and that you are all together. I've been thinking of you all week and was so relieved to get home, check your blog and know Deb was home and safe. We all love you. Joy, Chris and Georgia and Lefty O'Dog

Judi said...

Hang in there, Deb. Iʻm thinking of you and admiring your strength, and always so positive outlook--it means so much and will get you through all this-- and Iʻm learning so much about what is important in life through you.

go fish said...

Welcome home! It sounds like things are going well. Just get some rest and relax and let your body heal. You're doing great! So proud of you! :)

A hug to you all! Mike put a package in the mail to should arrive early next week! :)

Love you!

C & family

ado said...

Hi Deb,

Been gone since 8/25 at Burning Man; got back home late last night and so am just reading yours and Howie's postings now. I'm so glad and relieved to know that everything went well with your surgery and that Ryan is processing and coping well with the unusual circumstances around her. Just wanted to let you know again that you are all in my thoughts and I'll keep sending you positive energy for as quick and stress-free a recovery period as possible.

Now for my contemplative moment for the day...althought I just spent an entire week living in the "now" and am having my customary emotional adjustment from the experience, it is obvious from your postings that you have been living in the "now" as well but on a much different level. But both experiences are teaching us the same thing; 1) life is short, live it to its fullest, 2) it is often the simplest things in life that are the most meaningful and pure, and 3) nothing is more important to your hapiness than the people you surround yourself with. I believe wholeheartedly that you live your life fully embracing these concepts and this experience should be proving to you that you have been on the right track all along.

Love you lots and lots,
John and Ado

ado said...
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Lynn and Sy said...

Dear Deb and Howard,

We wish you a speedy and complete recovery. Know we are sending you our positive thoughts and heartfelt prayers.
We will remain in touch with you and Karen and Ken.
Special hugs to your precious Ryan. She is a living doll!
Lynn and Sy Pearlman