Monday, August 11, 2008


Did you ever see the Opposites episode of Elmo's World?

That's what weaning Ryan has been reminding me of. It's just like learning to nurse, but the exact opposite. Well, not exactly, but pretty close. If you think learning to do something is hard, just try to stop doing what you worked so hard to master...

Deb and Ryan have made HUGE strides in the past few days. Ry's down to a one-a-day nursing plan and has really been adjusting quite nicely I'm glad to report. So many times I expect her to immediately ask for milk from Deb, and she just doesn't. Like before we go up for bath and bed, normally Deb would nurse her and then I would go upstairs with her. Last night, Deb read a couple books with Ry and then said it was time for night-night and Ryan began the "hug" ritual...this is where she'll walk about half way to the stairs and say "hug" and then run back to Deb for just that. She may do that a half dozen times before actually ascending the stairs. And then yell "bye bye" the whole way up the stairs. So, Ryan's adjusting well, and that's kind of hard for mama...That Ryan is growing and developing so much so's awesome. It's cool and exactly what we're working for as parents, but it's sad too. Really makes me think about how little and dependent she was so recently and how much she's not a baby, but more of a little girl now. C-razy! Another "careful what you wish for..." (as if you had a choice in the matter...) Choices - that's a whole other blog topic for the future....

So Ryan fully slept through the night on Friday for the first time ever. We were so excited we got up at 5:45 to celebrate with some breakfast and a big long walk with Jojo.

Oooh, speaking of breakfast, big props to Matty & Jen out in Jersey for the bagels. In the words of my daughter, "Nice. Sweet."

Anyway, these walks with Jojo that I speak of...they are quite therapeutic, for all parties. It's fun for Ryan to sing and snack and point out the sights (stopsigns and fire hydrants get call outs a lot), but the most excitement comes from spotting and shouting "Boat!" and even better, "BIKE!". She loves bikes and spots them everywhere...besides the enjoyment of all that, it's good to get out and enjoy the neighborhood and get the puggle some exercise. She's a much better dog after she gets a couple walks in her.

So, I just wanted to throw some more words out there and let you all know that we're doing fine. Ryan was able to nap this weekend without Deb, which is another huge developmental milestone in my eyes, and I got to share nap time while Deb walked with Jojo. Nice. Sweet. 2 naps for daddy this weekend. Now that's worth blogging about...

I feel I'd be negligent if I didn't thank everyone for their love and support already. We really love and appreciate you all.


Joy said...

Hey you guys-
Glad you got some napping in and some walking in this weekend. Sounds like Ryan is proving herself to be a strong, adaptable little girl. Doesn't surprise me at all with you two for parents. It is sad to see our children grow up and become more independent but it is also exciting and inspiring. And, you're right, it is what we strive for. Love to the three of you. Lefty sends healing dog kisses. Joy.

Joy said...

Hey you guys-
Glad you got some napping in and some walking in this weekend. Sounds like Ryan is proving herself to be a strong, adaptable little girl. Doesn't surprise me at all with you two for parents. It is sad to see our children grow up and become more independent but it is also exciting and inspiring. And, you're right, it is what we strive for. Love to the three of you. Lefty sends healing dog kisses. Joy.

Joy said...

As you can see, I am not so good at blogging yet. Please be patient with me.

ken and karen said...

Hi kids,
I think I finally figured out how to blog.
What we've been wanting to say is how much we love you and how lucky you two were to have found each other. Ryan is the icing on the cake.
We're sending healing and loving thoughts across the miles.
Love, Mom and Dad

Unknown said...

i am lovin' the pics you're posting. great news about the weaning. keep up the great work, ry and deb!!!!

Unknown said...

To Deb and family,
My heart is with you. Thanks for including us and sharing your thoughts during this time. I'm sending positive energy your way.
I just returned from a vacation to Yosemite and Tahoe. My sister, also Deb, and I drove to Reno to pick up my Mom and step-dad who took the Amtrak out from Nebraska. We celebrated my Mom's 69th birthday and had a sunny good time seeing all the sites.
The end of June we found out my Mom has breast cancer. I went to Nebraska last month and my Mom had a lumpectomy during that time. The surgeon also removed the sentinel node. They took a biopsy which indicated she might have cancer in her lymph nodes so she is having another surgery this week to remove her lymph nodes behind her left breast.
My Mom is in good spirits which is a big part of this whole challenge. I'm finding it hard since I can't do much for her being so far away. She does have my step-dad though and sisters and a brother nearby along with friends so she is not alone. And I will fly out there again when she starts her radiation therapy in a month or two.
She has several books now with good info on breast cancer and I've picked up several myself at the library. Also, my boyfriend works at Brainchild Nutritionals which focuses on autism but also has great formulas for a wide range of people. Cell food and glutathione are two supplements I gave my Mom and I think would be good for you to consider. The western doctors might not push for it but, as my Mom's doctor said, it couldn't hurt. If you're interested in either of these let me know. Or, if you just want to talk give me a call. I'm only a few blocks away.
much love, dan u.

Unknown said...


GDit, girl- I keep trying to find something to say and just lose it crying at the love you give and have in your life. Hoping engorged bad boobie and engorged good boobie are feeling better tonight. I am so enormously graced to have you in my life and love you dearly.


Samantha L said...

So, after carefully examining all the photos on this blog I conclude that I cannot decide who is the cutest member of the family... I mean Ryan is the obvious choice but the rest of you are pretty adorable -- give Jojo a big lick from me...
xoxo Sam

go fish said...

Hey -- your kid sleeping through the night for the FIRST time is definitely worth blogging about! I's a catch 22. On one hand you're thrilled she's growing up and is so independent. On the other, you think, damn, my baby girl's growing up. Boo hoo. :(

Sounds like things are going well though...glad to hear it!

Deb -- when do you see the doctor next?

Still sending love and hugs and positive energy and all that good stuff your way!

Lots o'love from the Land o' Lakes.

Chantel & Family

p.s. who's the white dog? Just knew about Jojo.

Unknown said...

I feel like I should write something really sweet and nice but...

She finally slept through the night and you voluntarily got up at 5:45??? Is that a.m.?

Thank you for sharing your lives with all of us. I'm not sure you know how much it means to us to be included.

And this is totally off topic, but am I the only one who can't ever seem to get the word verification right?