Wednesday, August 27, 2008

(Part 3)

I just saw Deb and guess what?

Anyway, she really did look great, especially with all things considered.
Some pain meds were kicking in and she seemed grateful for that.
Now that I've seen and spoken with her I feel better about letting everyone know what we know.

They took about 15 lymph nodes from the right side and 2 have initially tested positive; we might expect more according to the surgeon. They didn't intentionally take any lymph nodes from the left side but due to the amount of tissue removed, they may have gotten some.

Other than that, the doctor felt that the surgery went well.

Right now Deb is resting with a cup of ice chips. We're waiting for a room in the main hospital to open up. So that she can rest I came back out here to the waiting room.

All in all, I think we're both glad to have at least taken the 1st step towards getting past this. Today is a tough day and we're totally getting through it and getting through it with our chins up and heads held high.

For now that's it. Thanks everyone for all the love and support you're showing. So much love and respect for you all....



Unknown said...

That is such great news. We went to the park today and met Wendy and Mike. They are great and Ryan was having a wonderful time. We walked down to the beach and Ryan had fun splashing in the ocean. You were in our thoughts and it was nice to get a mini update about Deb's progress from Wendy. Thanks again for keeping us informed so quickly. Take it easy today!
Doreen and Alesha

Unknown said...

We love you guys!

Ryan had a great time today. She was the life of the party as always. We even managed to cram Reese, Emma, and Ryan into a stroller for a walk down to the beach. Hmmm... that probably would have been a great kodak moment but my mommy brain didn't even think about taking a picture.

Thank you so much for keeping everyone posted.

Janet said...

Thanks for the update Howie. I have been thinking of you all today. I have the beautiful picture of Deb and Ryan hanging in my office.

Gentle hugs and kisses to all,

go fish said...

Been thinking about you all day too! Thanks for the update! I'm sure it feels good to get the first step behind you. Keep the good news coming.

Give Deb a hug from us! We're all thinking of you! Lots of love!

Mike, Chantel & Kiddos

noha said...

I'm reading this and tears are in my eyes.. I'm so glad that things went well, and thank you Howie for keeping us updated!! you are the man!!

Deb, you are in our thoughts and prayers, and I'm so happy that you are on your way to be done with this..

Love you so much Mama,

Noha, Ryan and Ed

meg,leif,daphne & willow said...

the love and respect goes to you guys!!! thanks fir the update and we'll keep the positive thoughts flowing. love, meg

Samantha L said...

Hope you both get some rest tonight. I can't wait to cuddle Ryan at the park tomorrow -- xoxo Sam

Unknown said...

I'm so glad Deb is doing okay, I've been thinking of you guys all day. I've been keeping up with the up-dates even though I haven't been posting. We love you guys and I'm sending you quick recovery vibes!
Brigette and Addison