Thursday, August 28, 2008

Update - Thursday, 8/28

Hi all,

Just a quick note to let you know we haven't forgotten about you if..

Deb's doing well; she's impressing everyone (except me, since I expect to be impressed).
She got her catheter out last night (nice) and had her IV taken out of her hand due to pain and our awesome surgeon's nurse Rebekah came in and took care of business; getting the IV done, have the morphine drip added and getting some other prescriptions taken care of. And then we found out she was a Cubs fan to boot...Seriously though, she's been really helpful throughout this all; up to and including a visit this morning.

What else? We've gone for a few walks last night and this morning; just around the floor here, but I can tell it's good for Deb to be up and moving. And then she gets back into bed and rests more. Normally it's not like Deb to fall right asleep but thankfully she's been drifting in and out sleep with relative ease. Thank you hard-core-pharmaceuiticals :-)

Ryan and Wendy are coming up to visit; last night was Ryan's first night EVER away from mommy and dada and while she was sad at times according to Wendy, they made it through the night and I know Deb is very excited to see her. (so am I).

Deb wanted to write & talk on the phone but she's still got to rest. She thanks and loves you all very much.

That's where we're at.
Thanks, Love and GoodVibes flowing from E331B


Unknown said...

So glad to hear Deb is recovering well and REALLY glad to hear you guys get to see Ryan today.

We miss you!

Unknown said...


Thanks for the updates...I'm looking forward to hearing about Ryan's visit this evening; I'm sure it will be very special for everyone.

We are thinking about you all and sending our love. Deb you are truly a warrior and inspiration of courage and strength.


go fish said...

Sounds like things are going well! Yippee! Please keep the updates coming -- we'll continue to think of you and check the blog.

Oh -- and a night away from mommy & daddy is good for Ryan from time to time! Glad to hear she made through ok! :) I'm sure you'll be excited to see her!

We love you all!

C & Fam

Samantha L said...

Hope the visit with Ry went well...
we saw her for a brief moment this morning and Maia and she were like 2 puppies trying to get at each other (Ry from her carseat and Maia from my hip) -- we'll see her soon!
Love you!